Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To change the rules of the game change our lives who is lying on P2P?

P2P is a great technology, though many people understand it as the edge of technology, but now was a great application. As a new network computing technology, P2P's purpose is to connect different computer networks together, and make full use of the Internet and the Web site of any place of idle resources. It is user-centered, all users are equal partners. Thousands of kilometers through the P2P users can share files on the hard disk, directory and even the entire hard drive. Everyone shared their view, the most valuable thing on the Internet which will greatly enhance the value of information. This means direct communication between users, the Internet to share and realize the dream of freedom, it changes the Internet of existing rules of the game has changed our lives.

P2P for spiritual inspiration with the world of computer enthusiasts continue to develop new software systems to enhance the flow between people. Success Group or proposed "narrow world, unite humanity" slogan, in its push for Ework system Sheng Li, P2P technology has begun to shine. P2P technology enables the server bandwidth required is very small, all services through the P2P network of many nodes to complete, in this regard to remove the burden on the server, it also makes the transmission of voice as the direct and rapid, greatly improved voice quality and video quality (Ework can be adapted to the 30K minimum bandwidth). Ework鍚屾椂鏁村悎浜嗗嵆鏃剁煭娑堟伅銆佹墜鏈虹煭淇°?鐢靛瓙閭欢銆乸c涓庣數璇濅簰閫氥?PC涓庝紶鐪熸満浜掗?锛岃棰戜細璁?杩滅▼杩炴帴銆佸叕鍛婃澘绛夊姛鑳斤紝鎴愪负涓?釜澶х殑浜ゆ祦骞冲彴銆?br />
銆??P2P鎴愪负涓?釜鍙e彿鍚庯紝璁稿杞欢绯荤粺鍧囧0绉拌嚜宸遍噰鐢ㄤ簡P2P鎶?湳銆傜旱瑙侾2P甯傚満锛岄櫎浜哖OCO銆丱penext涔嬪锛岃繕鏈夊緢澶氳?鐗屽拰鏂板叴鐨勮蒋浠跺叡鍗佸嚑绉嶅潎浜嚭浜哖2P鐨勬棗甯溿?鍏朵腑鍏嶈垂浜у搧涓昏鏈塒OCO銆並uGoo锛堥叿鐙楋級銆乪zPeer锛堟槗杞斤級銆佺櫨瀹濄?QQ Messenger銆丒work 涓汉鐗堛?KDT涓汉鐗堬紱鏀惰垂浜у搧鍒欏寘鎷琄uro銆丱penext銆丳P鐐圭偣閫氥?Ework浼佷笟鐗堛?QQ銆並DT浼佷笟鐗堛?

銆??闅忓悗锛屾洿澶氱殑鏂板叴鐨勫嵆鏃堕?璁骇鍝佷篃寮?澹扮О閲囩敤P2P鎶?湳锛屼笉杩囬偅鍙槸涓?釜鍙e彿锛屼絾鐪熸搴旂敤鐨勫嵈涓嶅銆?br />

銆??P2P鎶?湳杩樺湪閫氫俊棰嗗煙宕湶澶磋锛屽?鍔╁彲P2P鎶?湳锛岄?杩囦簰鑱旂綉缁滃拰褰兼鐨勭數璇濈嚎锛屽彲浠ュ皢鍥介檯鐢佃瘽鍙樻垚甯傚唴鐢佃瘽锛屽苟鍦ㄩ?璇濈殑鍚屾椂鐪嬪埌瀵规柟鐨勫浘鍍忥紝寰堟湁鍚稿紩鍔涖?鎹倝锛屽箍鑱旈泦鍥㈢殑Ework鍗虫椂绯荤粺杩涘叆杩愯惀鏈熷悗锛屽緢澶氱敤鎴风珵鐩搁噰鐢ㄨ骞冲彴浜彈鍙戠煭淇°?鎵揑P鐢佃瘽銆佸彂浼犵湡鍙婂彫寮?瀵瑰鐨勮棰戜細璁瓑绛夌數淇′笟鍔°?鐢变簬璧勮垂璇变汉锛孍work寰堝揩杩庢潵浜嗕竴涓娇鐢ㄩ珮宄帮紝鍦ㄤ换浣曞箍鍛婅垂閮芥病鏈夋姇鍏ョ殑鎯呭喌涓嬶紝姣忓ぉ鏂板鐢ㄦ埛鏁扮獊鐮村洓浣嶆暟锛堝叾浜у搧鍙互浠巜ww.konlink.net涓婂厤璐硅幏寰楋級銆?br />


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Photoshop pumping effect of the new line of thinking

Photoshop in the mixed-mode is its understanding difficult, it is essentially a special form of choice is a choice of invisible ants southbound. By mixed mode, you can decide which to determine the gradation of the pixels are shielded or changed, therefore, to understand the mechanism of mixed-mode, use the PS targeted to the users achieve their goals is very important. Here an example of how to use PS in the Color Dodge mode lines drawn in the image, and will lead to thinking.

1. Open the image.

2. Pumping line results generally do not need to retain color. Use the "image" "adjust" menu "to color" command, then copy a layer.

3. Use the "image" "adjust" menu "RP" command.

4. About the effects of the above modification. Double-click the background copy layer, bring up the Layer Styles dialog box, split the black slider to the next layer, the background layer of the most dark pixels into the final image fusion, so that results appear more natural.

5. The "background copy" layer mixed-mode from normal to "Color Dodge", the document seems to have become empty, but the careful reader will find the image there are some miscellaneous points black.

6. On the "Background copy" layer using the "minimum" filter, with a radius of 1 pixel, that is, small changes in the two layers created pixel Levels nuances out of the strong contrast between the edge of the image, while contrast is not Big strong had ignored the rest.
Tip: Need to point out that the traditional effect of this step pumping line using the "Gaussian blur" filter, the effect is not satisfactory.

7. About the effects of the above modification. Double-click the background copy layer, bring up the Layer Styles dialog box, split the black slider to the next layer, the background layer of the most dark pixels into the final image fusion, so that results appear more natural.

8. The final result.

Although the results interesting, but I am afraid not many friends willing to bother pondering about how the story mixed-mode. Posted about boring fringes and the "Color Dodge" model diagram, for like-minded friends refer to it.

If you know how the hybrid model is going on, you will from realm of necessity into the realm of freedom.

In the "chosen Art - Photoshop CS image processing in-depth analysis," a book, I quote the words of an American master Photoshop, indicating the importance of choice (mixed-mode is a special form of selection). Masters had this to say: Photoshop is a choice the essence of the art.

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